New York Look Book : a Gallery of Street Fashion / by Amy Larocca & Jake Chessum

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Mar 16, 2010 rated it it was amazing
Fabled and fascinating photographs of people out and about in New York, from a temporary, rotating-location streetcorner "studio". The pictures are well washed, the subjects run the gamut and include children, tourists, stay-at-home parents, artists, writers, and the rich and/or famous. The uniting factor is the outward expression of style or flair that defenseless the middle of the photographer and/or writer. The best office is the contextual information that accompanies the subjects - all include proper noun a Fabulous and fascinating photographs of people out and most in New York, from a temporary, rotating-location streetcorner "studio". The pictures are well washed, the subjects run the gamut and include children, tourists, stay-at-home parents, artists, writers, and the rich and/or famous. The uniting factor is the outward expression of style or flair that caught the eye of the photographer and/or writer. The best function is the contextual information that accompanies the subjects - all include proper noun and occupation, most accept brief interviews. The interviews, like the subjects, are all across the board - some funny, some pretentious, some personal, some political, some strange, some intriguing. Definitely recommended for those interested in fashion and manner; perhaps also for sure readers of memoir and sociology. ...more
Sep 13, 2007 rated it liked information technology
Shelves: nyc, style, photo
not exactly FRUITS, but I dig books like this. sleeky magazine photography of ordinary (or not) people on the streets of THE urban center. curt interviews accompany most of the photographs -- i believe all are reprints from a feature chosen "Look Book" in New York magazine (I've never read it). Still, for people watching, and if you are interested in how people construct and conduct their identities in public through their style choices, it'due south a pretty absurd book. in that location'southward a section in the dorsum about sh non exactly FRUITS, merely I dig books like this. glossy mag photography of ordinary (or not) people on the streets of THE metropolis. brusk interviews accompany most of the photographs -- i believe all are reprints from a feature called "Expect Book" in New York magazine (I've never read it). Still, for people watching, and if you lot are interested in how people construct and conduct their identities in public through their manner choices, it's a pretty cool book. there's a section in the dorsum about shopping in diverse NYC neighborhoods: Nolita, Chelsea, Williamsburg, East Village, Westward Hamlet etc. I skipped that role, 'cause you know, I ain't in New York and I don't really shop. ...more than
Beth Roberts
Jun 18, 2008 rated information technology it was amazing
I am a little more than than half fashion through this book. I beloved it. I had the fortune of being in New York last summertime. I never wanted to leave. Culturally, information technology's the most diverse identify I have had the take a chance to experience. This book brings the feel of the streets of NY right to yous with some pizam! Basically, the creators set up a make shift studio on street corners throughout the urban center. They interviewed and photographed random people that happened to walk by(including John Waters!!). The issue is ama I am a little more than one-half manner through this book. I love it. I had the fortune of being in New York last summer. I never wanted to exit. Culturally, it's the most diverse identify I take had the chance to experience. This book brings the feel of the streets of NY correct to you with some pizam! Basically, the creators set upwards a make shift studio on street corners throughout the metropolis. They interviewed and photographed random people that happened to walk past(including John Waters!!). The issue is astonishing! ...more
January 12, 2008 rated it it was astonishing
I have to be honest hither - this book changed my life. Not because of its fashion (which greatly contributed - seeing the dandy assortment of styles and ideas in the city was inspirational), but because of the people's stories. Everyone was different, completely unique, everyone had their own story to tell. They were all trying to live their dreams. They were where they wanted to be. They were alive. My dream of moving to New York anytime was rekindled with a passion after reading these people's stori I accept to be honest here - this book changed my life. Non because of its fashion (which greatly contributed - seeing the great array of styles and ideas in the city was inspirational), but because of the people's stories. Anybody was different, completely unique, everyone had their own story to tell. They were all trying to live their dreams. They were where they wanted to be. They were alive. My dream of moving to New York someday was rekindled with a passion after reading these people's stories, seeing their faces. I hope I can make it into the Look Book someday, living my dream. ...more
Aug 23, 2011 rated it it was ok
I was really excited to get this book, merely sadly it was disappointing. The photos and fashion were not very entertaining or appealing and some of the interview questions had nix to practice with clothing or manner. I felt at times, this volume was more than about meeting and interviewing random people than documenting street mode.
Rajie Anne Ogoy
A. Larocca highlighted every fashion trend on the streets of new york, even what the beggars wear. this is so cool and educational. interesting slice for the fashion bloggers. i gave a re-create of this to one of my best friends on her birthday, since she's into look book thingy. A. Larocca highlighted every mode trend on the streets of new york, fifty-fifty what the beggars wear. this is and so cool and educational. interesting slice for the style bloggers. i gave a re-create of this to ane of my best friends on her birthday, since she's into await book thingy. ...more than
Apr 04, 2010 rated information technology liked it
This is a fun volume to puruse. Wonderful photography with questions and answers almost the many fun and unusual styles found on the fashion streets of New York.
If your underground guilty pleasures involve watching "Project Rail" or checking daily, you'll love this book...and wonder if you'd make the "Expect Volume" cutting. If your secret guilty pleasures involve watching "Project Runway" or checking daily, you'll honey this book...and wonder if you lot'd make the "Look Book" cut. ...more
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